Tuesday 1 November 2011

Advice Part 27- Heavy metal

Aah, music! The nectar of life! There are few things more enjoyable than going to a gig to hear some music that  "rocks your (proverbial) world."

My advice to young players is that going to hear new musical styles is all well and good. However, it is best to exercise some degree of caution, particularly if the "new styles" you are listening to are the ABSOLUTE opposite of your usual musical tastes......

Case in point. A few weeks ago, I decided to attend a friend's thrash metal gig at a pub in Sydney. And, as we all know, heavy metal is not exactly "my thing." (ha ha, yes, I know- MASSIVE understatement)

Sure, I've heard of Metallica. And Blind Guardian. And the Utopia Record Store. And I am even aware that Dave Mustaine recently released his autobiography (sorry, that's showing off a bit- although Mustaine is probably a bit "mainstream" for true metal aficionados). But that is the COMPLETE limit of my knowledge.

So let's just say I was a bit dubious about what to expect.....

Unsurprisingly, the metal concert was TOTALLY different to any gig I've attended. I have NEVER been to a concert before where:
  • you are scanned with a "metal detector" (ho ho ho....) before being allowed in
  • the bouncer won't let you take lollies into the pub "in case they contain illegal substances"
  • the gig itself is held in a cold underground "bunker"
  • the ability to dance, wave your hair around, and play your instrument simultaneously is a prerequisite for band membership
  • there is a removal of shirts (and attachment of nipple tassels) at the end of the show.

Much to my own surprise, I quite ENJOYED the theatrics. Although I still think it's unlikely that you'll see me in the front row of metal shows any time soon.....

(Sorry, couldn't resist these pictures.....)


  1. So jealous - the last live metal performance I experienced was karaoke, and that was a while ago.
    Hmmm speaking of concerts from crazy other universes - I want to see this http://www.kpopmusicfest.com.au/ but at $289, I think I might be better off sampling the crazy universe of a cheap inner-west hipster café.

  2. Beaver- Metal at karaoke?! That sounds like quite a treat! Dare I ask what song was performed?
    The K-Pop Festival certainly sounds like it would have a lot of craziness involved....watching the video clip was more than enough for me. I can recommend some suitably batty hipster haunts if you wish for some advice!

  3. Your Ginger Overlord(ess?)2 November 2011 at 18:38

    no lollies? i dont remember that bit. but what would the metal scene be without chupa chups?

  4. Hello Ginger Overlordess (I think that's the proper name- or maybe "Ginger Overlady"?)
    You hadn't arrived when the lolly incident happened. I got there at about 10:30ish, and after the bouncer confiscated my water bottle, he then freaked out about the lollies....Maybe I would have had more luck with Chupa Chups? I'll know in future :)
