Sunday 8 July 2012

Advice Part 60- Glasses

Today, I am going to write about a subject close to my heart, and even closer to my head (sorry, bad joke). And that subject is spectacles.

My advice to young players is that if, like me, you are somewhat blind, DO NOT FEAR the glasses! Provided you buy a pair which suits you, you may even ENJOY wearing them.

How do I know this? Read on....

One morning, when I was about 16, I was walking to school, and suddenly noticed that all the street signs were somewhat blurry. This freaked me out a bit, but I didn't do anything about it until the blurry days started to exceed the non-blurry.

So I went to the optometrist. And thus began my glasses experience....

At first, I LOATHED the dreaded spectacles. I found them crazily uncomfortable, and felt ridiculously ugly wearing them. I would try my best to "accidentally" forget to take them to school, and used them as rarely as possible.

But resistance was futile. 

My eyesight became worse. And worse. Until I eventually had to wear my glasses ALL THE TIME.

This absolutely horrified me. I mean, I am not the coolest person on the planet (ha ha, there's an understatement), so I didn't exactly need a spectacle-shaped signpost to further my stereotypically nerdish credentials.

It was only when I started going out with a fellow spectacle wearer that I realised that glasses can actually be VERY attractive. My ex had an expensive pair of Danish frames which looked absolutely amazing. In fact, if I'm honest, the glasses were the first thing I noticed about him, and I was extremely disappointed when he went through a brief contact lenses phase.

This, dear readers, was the start of my "glasses snobbery."

After realising that glasses CAN look good, I started to develop what could best be described as a fetish for glasses frames. Now, I actually LIKE going to the optometrist, and trying on the different glasses (in the same way that I like going to department stores and trying on hats).

OK, so they can be a pain when it rains. And at yoga. And when you go to the hairdresser, and can't see how much they've cut off until it's too late. But I will not be heading down the contact lens/lasik path any time soon......

Is anyone with me?

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