Monday, 29 August 2011

Advice Part 16- Are they "interested"?

Confession- I am ABSOLUTELY incapable of telling whether someone is "interested" in me or not. And by "interested", I mean in a romantic/sexual/"more than just friends" way....

In recent years, my (already paltry) skills in the "interest identifying area" have well and truly vanished. I honestly believe that someone could come up to me with a big flashing sign on their head emblazoned with "I am SO INTERESTED in YOU!!!" and I STILL wouldn't know.

My advice for young players is to practice your skills in this area. Or else you may end up like me, and be permanently unable to tell if someone is "sending signals" or not.....

Things reached a particularly low point recently (and I'm not saying HOW recently) when I was at a function with my parents (yes, I know- please refrain from commenting), and I was approached by an attractive guy. We had a bit of a conversation, and things seemed to go well. I thought nothing of it, though.

But in the car on the way back to the station, BOTH my parents started laughing uproariously about how I had been "picked up." "What on EARTH are you talking about?" I exclaimed. "I wasn't trying to pick him up!" "Ha ha ha, YOU weren't, but HE was!" my mum guffawed. "Yes, I saw that, too" said my dad (who is not exactly noted for his acute powers of observation).

Anyway, to cut a long story short, it turns out he WAS interested. But I NEVER would have guessed if it wasn't for my parents.

Now I'm thinking of asking Mum and Dad along every time I'm not too sure of the "interest level." After all, it may improve my rates of success.....

Or not.


  1. CONFIDENCE is the key!

  2. Yes, it probably is. But confidence is lacking in my department....Hence, the need for OBVIOUS SIGNS!
