And, I hate to admit it, but top of my list is that I won't be able to go to the movies at 11a.m. or thereabouts.........
Sad, I know.
My advice to young players is that if you have the opportunity to go to the cinema during the week, in the middle of the day, avail yourself of this chance, as it is IMMENSELY more enjoyable than fighting the masses on the weekend.
How do I know this? Read on.....
Today, as I didn't have too much to do (besides a stats report and a whole lot of qualitative analysis- but we won't mention that at the present.....) I decided to go to the movies. I checked the paper, and there was a session showing at 1:15pm. Bonus!
What's so good about watching movies in the middle of the day? Where do I start?!
- If you are clever in choosing your days, you can usually get cheap tickets.
- You don't have to line up for ages to buy your ticket/go to the bathroom/sample the delights of the "candy bar"
- If, like me, you often go to the movies BY YOURSELF (shock, horror!), you won't feel like a social pariah, as almost everyone else there is similarly solo. Unlike on Saturday night, where turning up by yourself is, err, rather rare.
- Maybe it's just me, but I tend to fall asleep REALLY easily when I go to the movies at night. But if I go at, say, 12 noon, I'm feeling full of verve and vigour!
OK, so I sound about a hundred years old writing this. And I'm not going to refuse an evening trip to the cinema. But I'm also not going to say no if someone wants to head off to see a film at 10a.m......