Aah, celebrity. If, as Andy Warhol says, we are all going to be famous for 15 minutes, then surely a person who resembles a whole bunch of already "famous" (I use the word loosely) people could be said to be "livin' the life", right? Such a person could enjoy the perks of fame without having done anything notable themselves! Think: great tables in exclusive restaurants. Hire cars. Loads of fawning minions.
Aah, if only.
In fact, looking like a celebrity when you are not one is a pain in the rear end.
Hence, my advice to young players is that if you meet someone who looks like a "celebrity", and you decide to alert them to said resemblance, please be aware that they have a) probably heard it a few times before, and b) may not be 100% delighted with your suggestion.
How do I know this? Read on.
But lately, a few more doppelgängers have been added to the mix. In the past month, he has been told he looks like:
Two and a bit years ago (eek!), I began seeing a man who has an appearance which I would describe as "a bit different." He has long, curly, black hair (with strange green and red streaks), glasses with fluoro green and white frames, a liking for T-shirts with unusual pictures on the front, and an omnipresent skateboard.
I had never met anyone who looked even remotely like him. But clearly, I was in the minority....
Most weeks (and sometimes multiple times in the same week), we will be at the shops/at a cafe/at the train station, and my unfortunate male companion will be approached by a random member of the public who wants to tell him he looks JUST LIKE a particular celebrity.
More often than not, said celebrity is Redfoo. This does not go down well, because, after all, who wants to be told they are the long lost twin of a man who is famous for dancing around in shiny silver undies singing that he's "sexy and (he) know(s) it", and whose musical skills appear to be minimal?
a) "The guy from Slayer" (Tom Araya).
b) "The guy from Soundgarden"(Kim Thayil)
c) Pro-skater Sammy Baca
d) Damien Marley (son of Bob)
e) Cat Stevens (OK, so this is my suggestion)
OK, so I can kind of understand that he does look A BIT like some of these men, but I'd hardly say the resemblance is overwhelming. The resemblance between myself and (insert name of exceptionally intelligent, witty and attractive person here), though, is a completely different matter.... ;-)
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