Sunday, 28 September 2014

Advice Part 100- Psychic coffee

I can hardly believe I have reached 100 posts on this blog, which started out as a way for me to fill in a Saturday night when I was home alone. I was going to do something "special" for the centenary, but a complete lack of motivation and creativity has unfortunately put paid to that. But hey, it's not every day you reach the big 1-0-0!

Anyway, enough of that....

Today's post sees us return to the psychic realm, a sphere I visited on a previous occasion. I would like to report that this particular visit was more illuminating. But that would be a lie. With this in mind, my advice to young players is that if you are offered a "psychic coffee cup reading", approach with a good dose of skepticism. If you approach at all.

How do I know this? Read on....

Yesterday afternoon, I was a bit bored, and so I decided to go on a little excursion to Newtown. I dandered along south King St, and resolved to partake of a coffee in a cafe I have visited previously, and rather enjoyed.

All was going well until I took a seat, and was approached by the psychic coffee cup reader, who apparently has a regular gig at the cafe on a Sunday afternoon. Said psychic offered his services. I declined. But...well....

  • I was the only person in the cafe. 
  • The psychic was bored. 
  • So was I. 
  • He was offering a cheap rate. 
  • He has a 90% success rate (ho ho ho....I must have been in the other 10%). 
  • And (perhaps most tellingly) Air was playing. On vinyl. Say no more.

One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was on the psychic couch, coffee cup upturned, spirit guides being summoned.

So. What did the psychic see? A variety of things....

1. That I work in a job "with a lot of paper and filing." Wrong. I USED to work as a filing clerk, but that was 8 years ago, and I'd hardly call it a "momentous experience."

2. I am "very close to my younger sister." Wrong. I don't have any siblings. The psychic tried to salvage this erroneous inference, by asking if my mother had had a miscarriage of a female foetus. Right.....

3. I am single. Wrong. Been in a relationship for 2 years. Although I guess the fact that I was in the cafe by myself on a Sunday afternoon might have given that impression.
4. I am a lesbian. Wrong again. Although he wasn't the first to make that mistake, as I've mentioned before. He tried to backstep here by saying that my partner must have "a lot of feminine energy." "Do you mean long hair?" I asked. This remark was not looked upon favourably.

5. My vitamin intake is inadequate. I didn't realise that spirit guides also offered medical advice! And there was I, stupidly consulting doctors for years!
6. I am going to marry a man called either James or Nick. I'm not sure how this fits in with me apparently being a lesbian, but I let that slide. The only Jameses I know are my uncle (let's NOT go there) and my friend's husband (or there, either). And I don't know any Nicks. But I do recall that a friend wanted to set me up with a guy of this name....Perhaps I missed my chance?!

So there you go. I am most intrigued to see what happens. And if your name is James or Nick, I would advise you to run.

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