Sunday, 2 February 2014

Advice Part 91- My "personal style" tips

As someone whose "personal style" (note use of inverted commas there.....) could be described kindly as "functional", it always amuses me to read articles about how to look your best. 

I never cease to marvel at tales of people who are not only willing, but actually HAPPY, to spend great swathes of time searching for "cute summer beachwear" or "the new linen pant" (Expert question- why is it always "pant" and not "pants"? I cannot understand this AT ALL!), or giving advice on how to "effortlessly mix and match" or "to segue seamlessly from the office to the bar."
Ho hum.

My advice to young players is that fashion is all well and good. If it floats your proverbial boat, go ahead and knock yourself out (hello, bad cliches!). But if, like me, your interest in the sartorial is minimal, these beginners' tips may be of some assistance.

1. When selecting an outfit for the day, the best thing to do is open your wardrobe door, and see what is clean. Clean = top of the list.

2. However, if, like me, laundry is not your thing, and you prefer to "recycle" your clothes a few times before you wash them, it's generally a good idea to check that a) there's no visible stains, and b) the smell isn't TOO bad, before taking the clothes out for an encore performance.

3. It's also advisable NOT to wear the same clothes two days in a row, as people may start to twig that you're recycling your gear (and a good magician NEVER reveals their tricks....)

4. Anyone who says you "need" an iron is exaggerating. I have gone seven years without ironing a single item of clothing. The crumpled look is delightfully refreshing, and will help you distinguish yourself from your smoothly pressed companions. No one wants to be boring, do they?
5. There is nothing wrong with wearing stockings with holes in them, as long as the holes are covered by your skirt/shirt/whatever. If I threw out every pair of stockings which I ladder, I would have a hosiery bill exceeding most people's mortgage. 

6. The same goes for underwear and socks with holes.

7. Comfort should always trump beauty, as I know from once STUPIDLY deciding to walk from the bus stop to a wedding venue in very high, very painful heels.

8. If your pants have unfortunately shrunk in the wash (otherwise known as "you've put on weight"), there is NO SHAME in leaving your top button undone, provided, of course, that said button is carefully concealed.

Hopefully this list will provide you with some ideas on how to maintain a stylish facade. And, as ever, I am keen to hear your views. Don't be shy :-)

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