Sunday, 29 January 2012

Advice Part 39- Breaking up: things to remember

As Neil Sedaka sang, "breaking up is hard to do" (and if that's not a good excuse to put in a cheesy video clip, I don't know what is.....).

My advice to young players is that whilst ending a relationship with someone is going to be hard, you can make things A LOT easier for all involved if you make sure you have reclaimed ALL of your possessions from them BEFORE you break up.

How do I know this? Read on.....

As you may remember from Dating Disasters (Episode 3) last month, I was, for a time, going out with a man who I shall refer to as "Mr X" (although, to be honest, "going out" is probably a bit too formal a phrase for describing our relationship....anyhow.....)

One day, Mr X came to my place to visit, and when he left, it was raining, so I lent him my umbrella.

Lent being the operative word.

I had totally forgotten about it, until the other day when I was walking through my neighbourhood, and came face-to-face with Mr X (who is now my ex) CARRYING MY UMBRELLA!

I was so discombobulated at seeing him that it was only afterwards that I realised that that was MY PROPERTY which he was nonchalantly toting about.

I was furious.

OK, so it was only a $5 umbrella. And I can easily get a new one. And, as a friend pointed out, a la "if you lend someone $20, and never see that person again, it was probably worth it", being umbrella-less was a small sacrifice to make.

But this raises all sorts of confusing questions.....If a $5 umbrella isn't worth bothering about, what about a $50,000 crocodile skin one? And seriously, such a thing exists....


Plus, there's the problem of HOW a return of possessions could be accomplished if the two parties aren't speaking to each other....

Still, given my previous success at buying rubbish umbrellas, I expect it will spring a leak sometime soon....

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