Sunday, 11 December 2011

Advice Part 32- Eavesdropping for beginners

OK, I'll admit it- there are few things I enjoy more than secretly listening in on other people's private conversations.

However, my advice to young players is that if you, too, are an afficianado of eavesdropping, it is VERY important to do so with SUBTLETY, as there are few things more embarrassing than giving the game away.

How do I know this? Read on.....

Today, I was catching the train into the city, and had just pulled my book out of my bag, ready for a boring journey. But when we pulled into the next station, some people got on and sat near me. They started talking, and I immediately tuned in.

  • Guy: So, will you be spending Christmas with your family?
  • Girl: Yep. But my step-brother is overseas at the moment.
  • Guy: How old is he?
  • Girl: 19. The same as us.
  • Guy: that means you're not related by blood at all?
  • Girl: No. His dad and my mum are married. She had me before they met, and my stepdad already had him.
  • Guy: Interesting. But wait a minute......I just thought of something! If you're not related, then it would be OK for you to have sex with him, wouldn't it? Is he hot?
What the HELL?!

As soon as the guy uttered this statement, I couldn't help myself. I spun around, and gave him an incredulous look. But this let the proverbial cat out of the bag, as it was obvious that I had been listening in to EVERYTHING they'd said.

I seriously don't know who was more embarrassed- me, for being caught out eavesdropping, or them, for having a discussion about the ethics of sleeping with your step-brother.

Needless to say, they dropped their voices after that, and so I never did get to find out my fellow travellers' views on the appropriateness of step-sibling relationships.

But it certainly made the train trip a LOT more interesting. 


  1. Is it ok if your parents are "seeing each other" but not living together?

    This would be much easier if the producers of the Brady Bunch had gone into more depth with the Marcia/Greg thing and set a clear precedent.

  2. Hello Beaver!

    Hmm, interesting question! What do you think? I reckon it would be totally fine if your parents were just "seeing each other." But this issue is really confusing....And I agree, the producers of the "Brady Bunch" should have been more specific about what is or isn't appropriate. I'm almost tempted to start my own TV program!

  3. Well, I don't have a problem with it anyway, since they're not actually related. But then I have weird ideas about things, like I don't think there's anything wrong with dating a friend's ex or sibling...

    ...perhaps you could start a site along the lines of

  4. I completely agree- when I started thinking about it, I realised that there's really nothing particularly wrong with it. At first, it sounds kind of dirty, because I think there tends to be an (incorrect) assumption that they share one of the same parents. But they don't, so I don't see that there's an issue.

    I don't know if I'd want to date a friend's ex, but I wouldn't say no to dating their sibling.

    I don't think your ideas are weird at all, because my ideas are very similar! And ta for the web suggestion :)
