Thursday, 23 August 2012

Advice Part 66- Too much advice....

Aah, the amusement....I'm giving advice on how to avoid unwanted advice.


If you're anywhere near as clueless as I am, you probably rely on other people's advice A LOT. But my advice to young players is that whilst this can be helpful at times, there is such a thing as TOO MUCH advice. And knowing when to stop seeking alternative opinions is a VERY valuable trait.

How do I know this?

Read on.....

In the last month or so, I have been suffering from a crazy eczema outbreak. What makes this particularly intriguing is that I have NEVER had eczema before and it's only on my face.Weird.

So, eczema novice that I am, I decided to ask some knowledgeable people for a bit of advice on the subject. BAD MOVE. I soon realised that everyone seemed to have a different suggestion for what was causing my new blotchy face, and what to do about it.

Here's a small sample of the "potential culprits"....
  • Washing my face too much in hot water (Colleague 1)
  • Touching something that I'm allergic to, then rubbing my hands on my face (Colleague 2)
  • Office air conditioning being too dry (Colleagues 1, 2, 3)
  • Stress (Mum)
  • Allowing my cat to sleep on my bed (Mum and Colleague 3)
  • Allergy to make up or shampoo (Dentist- yes, even my DENTIST wanted to offer some advice on this!)
  • "Just one of those things" (Doctor)

The proposed cures were equally varied, and included:
  • Not washing my face (Colleague 1)
  • Washing my face in cold water only (Colleague 3)
  • Washing my face using a special cream (Colleague 2)
  • Buying a humidifier for the office (Colleague 1)
  • Tricking my cat into not sleeping on my bed (Mum and Colleague 3)
  • Anti-histamines (Colleague 3)
  • Changing my make up and shampoo (good old dentist again)
  • Anything BUT hydrocortisol cream (Colleague 3's SON, who had popped into the office for a visit)
  • ONLY hydrocortisol cream (Doctor)

What the HELL?! After this, I felt more confused that ever. And the advice just keeps on coming.....

I think I'll go and buy a big paper bag to wear over my head. That should solve all my issues.

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