Otherwise known as "taxi drivers."
My advice to young players is that taxi drivers are an unusual species, and are best approached with considerable caution.
How do I know this? Read on....
On Friday, I wanted to catch a taxi from Granada train station to the city centre, a distance of about 3km. I flagged down a cab, mumbled my destination in my (VERY poor Spanish), and off we went.
I imagined that it would be a fast and stress-free journey.
Not so.
My driver was one of those gentlemen who LOVE to chat. He opened by commenting on the hot weather, to which I gave a non-committal reply. Then he moved on to asking me about where I had been with my suitcase.
At this stage, I told him that I couldn´t speak (much) Spanish, which I assumed would stop the barrage.
But no. If anything, it just made him talk MORE. All I had to do was stay awake, and nod occasionally, and he seemed delighted. I guess having a captive audience, especially one who couldn´t disagree with him, was ideal.
Consequently, on the ten minute trip, I learnt about
- the Granada bullfighting season;
- the best place to buy ice cream in town;
- which architectural styles the driver particularly liked;
- why drivers of big buses are crazy; and
- that Granada is the best city in Spain.
At this stage, I realised that resistance was futile, and just shut up.
Unfortunately, this isn´t the first "unusual taxi driver" incident I´ve had. In fact, it pales into insignificance compaired to some of the trips I´ve taken in Sydney (but that´s another story entirely.....)
All I can say is, thank god it was only a 10 minute trip. And I guess I should be glad it wasn´t Robert De Niro driving....