Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Advice Part 25- Leg waxing

Aah, October. Summer is finally just around the corner.....
  • Daylight saving is here. 
  • The electric blanket and quilt have been put away.
  • The "sweat towel" is now a necessary yoga accessory.
  • And shorter skirts are looking like a very real possibility. 
But this can only mean one thing.....the dreaded LEG WAX!

My advice for young players is that if you MUST subject yourself to this experience, it is best to realise that it is likely to be both painful and VERY awkward.....

Case in point. Last Friday, it was about 30 degrees, and I felt very tempted to wear a skirt. However, glancing down at my legs, I saw they were covered with horrible, thick black hair.

NOT attractive.

Hence, I gathered my courage and rang up the beautician to book in for that afternoon.

For those who have never had their legs waxed, there are few things more humiliating. After removing (most of) your clothes, and donning the obligatory gown, you lie there on the bed, listening to the "soothing" music, whilst the beautician drips scorching hot wax on your thighs, then RIPS it off, taking the hairs with it.

This process continues for around 20 minutes.

But the most bizarre part of the whole waxing experience is that whilst you are being subjected to these indignities, you are also expected to carry on a "relaxed" conversation with the beautician about topics such as how busy you are at work, what you're doing at the weekend, and how your Spanish lessons are going.

This is almost IMPOSSIBLE when you're trying not to yelp in pain.

Winter, long pants, and radical feminism suddenly seem much more appealing.....


  1. I applaud your courage. Here's a leg-waxing question, inspired by something I saw yesterday: If you're a butch man, with a tattoo of a pretty lady on your leg should you wax the leg so the lady doesn't have man-fur all over her, or should you leave your masculine leg hair, but have a rather hirsute pretty lady? Furthermore, if you decide your pretty lady tattoo needs to be hairless, but your tattoo is only on one leg, do you shave the other leg to match?

  2. Hello Beaver! They are most difficult questions you have asked, but never fear, I consulted with one of my colleagues, and we have some answers....If, as a butch man, you prefer your real-life lady friends to be free from hair, then it's probably best to wax/shave your legs so that your lady tattoo is also hairless. And I think you should shave BOTH legs, as otherwise, that would be a bit odd....But if you like your real life ladies to be hairy, it would be a travesty to shave your legs! What do you think?

  3. Hmmm, I concur, if I had one leg with a pretty lady tattoo and one that was bare, I think that would be my solution... but I'm not all that butch, and certainly not sufficiently butch to get tattoos. I suppose the solution would be to get tattoos all the way down the other leg as well, so not only could the pretty lady be free of male leg fur, but there'd be other stuff you'd want to show off on the other side. It might be best to get a full body laser treatment beforehand to have the ideal canvas to display body art.
    back to female leg waxing - in order to avoid awkward smalltalk at the salon, I think you should invite some friends over for a sleep-over. You can groom each others body hair and give each other facials and have pillow fights in your underwear and it won't be weird at all.

  4. I'm pleased to hear that you're not sufficiently butch to have a pretty lady tattoo on your leg, although you never know, you may change your mind one day! I definitely think that some laser treatment before having the tattoo would be a wise idea- then the pretty lady could be kept (almost) permanently hair free, without you needing to wax.

    What an excellent idea re. the beauty slumber party! Or maybe I should just spend a night at the zoo in the chimpanzees' cage? I think they are very keen on grooming one another, so if I could train a chimp to wax my legs, that would solve the small talk problem perfectly.

  5. ive been wishing for at least a decade to be able to train some of my friends in the art of brazilian bikini waxing so i wouldnt have to pay a salon to do it or get a sore neck doing it myself, but you wouldnt believe (ok maybe you would) how hard it is to find friends that wouldnt mind trading bikini waxes. ha.

  6. @Chelle- Hmm, yes, it's a difficult problem! I admire your bravery for attempting to do the waxing yourself. There's no way I could do that, because I'd be cringing so much, I wouldn't even be able to see what I was doing. Maybe a good solution would be to enrol in a beauty course? That way, you could meet some friends who want to trade bikini waxes, AND learn how to do it on yourself! Win-win.

  7. doing it myself isnt so bad provided ive popped a percoset with a few advil ;) except that the sore neck problem still arises, you wouldnt believe how sore your neck can get! plus, doing it myself takes *much* longer, its so much faster to go to a salon for it (theres one a ten minute walk down the street from me, so im lucky i have access) i dont always have the funds when i want to go. i have been thinking for awhile now of looking for an estheticians course to see if i could make some new friends through it, good suggestion!

  8. @Chelle-The painkillers sound like a good idea. I've never tried them- I usually just lie there in agony, trying not to scream. It's especially bad on the backs of the thighs, I find. Ouch, ouch, ouch! Yeah, it's definitely a shame if you don't have the funds to go- I would much rather pay someone to do it if it reduces the pain, is less messy, and is faster. I don't know how to fix the sore neck problem :( But I definitely think the beauty course is the go- especially if you can befriend the more experienced students. I don't think I'd want a beginner doing their first wax on me!
